I'm happy to report that Hallie has a new liver!
In a flurry of activity over the weekend, a 24 year-old woman passed away, and she had designated that all of her organs could be donated. She helped and perhaps saved the life of many people with that sacrifice, Hallie being just one of them.
Hallie is doing well after the surgery and is still under heavy anesthesia. Please pray that everything will go well as her little body heals and as it adapts to this new liver.
Please also pray for the loved ones of the woman who died.
Thank you for your prayers!!
While I am very sorry for the family of the 24 year old...I am overjoyed with how she blessed your family.....blessings to Hallie!
Wow! Praying for all concerned.
Tears of Joy (for Hallie) and Sorrow (for the young woman and her family).
Lots of prayers for both.
That's a bittersweet moment in time. I'm so thankful for Hallie and hurt for the young woman's family. Yet, thankfully she was an organ donor and her life saved so many others. I'm sure you're family will have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season.
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