Some are expected and known, as with brilliant sunrises and settings, or in the hopefulness of a child. Perhaps, throughout the seasons that shift and breathe.
Increasingly though, His fingerprints are personified and discovered at the scene, the very one where the oppressed and the ill-fated grab a hand reaching down, with no condition upon rescue. An ongoing attempt is seemingly underway to level the playing field, to render a long awaited admission of the underdog’s existence, of Jesus incarnate. Lives are changing and hearts are softening. Perspectives are opening deep and wide, for love is being re-defined as a way to live, not just a feeling to reconcile.
I shouldn’t be a casual observer, nor should you; or worse yet, we shouldn't be reluctant to give berth to this Kingdom. It is advancing, and we’re acutely aware that it will be ushered in, despite our refusal or indifference as it approaches. The same tapes play over and over again and we make stubborn and willful choices; we dominate and deceive and effectively sidestep Him. We escort Him out of our way.
We divert His parade onto another route.
And I imagine He weeps, as anyone would, for what rejection isn’t harsh and cruel?
Yet His momentum will not be denied for love itself is unrelenting. Brokenness is being unearthed and yes, it surrounds us until the end. This air we breathe, once stagnant, is somehow more buoyant, as we nod in deference to this one or that, for we’re each as sin-stained as the next, and just as doomed.
And despite that sin and our inability to see the royalty of our birth, this unwavering pursuit of His knows no denial, no limitations. We are a chosen family, however bruised and fatigued. We are the redeemed, the purchased, the found.
So, together, shall we withdraw some permission we've granted the evil one? He who begs us to wallow in our shame and our defeat, all the while forcing our ineffectiveness and our inaction? Yes, for there is hope found today in this rabble and pile of fractured clay; that He will still take us and beautify us. That He will still use us.
Indeed, there are signs of His majesty everywhere.
As it passes us by, the same tapes play over and over again and we make stubborn, willful choices; we dominate and deceive and effectively sidestep Him.
if there were not CLOUDS there would not be such a GLORIOUS sunset.
its all because of His Grace covering and shining through our "clouds" that His Glory is seen in all of the beauty and majesty.
AMMMen, AMMMen! I agree!
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