Not much to report, other than Hallie is stable at home and enjoying the company of her family. Family members have been tested, and she remains #1 on the donor transplant list for the entire state of NY! That gives her doctors the luxury of being highly selective with regard to the liver they pick.
So, we wait.
Thank you so much for your prayers, and even now, I know everyone could use a few more! Pray that God would see fit to provide the perfect liver for this sweet little girl, however that may come about.
I think He will, I just wish He'd hurry up about it already. She's precious. I'm prayin'.
Not to minimize Hallie's situation but let's remember the donor's family in prayer too. Hallie's gain is someone else's loss. So I pray true shalom for the donor family, whoever it might be, that they would feel their loved one's life being carried on in this precious little girl, and that they would feel the full love and comfort and peace of God during this time.
Much love and many prayers for Hallie's family as well, of course...
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