Not much to report, other than Hallie is stable at home and enjoying the company of her family. Family members have been tested, and she remains #1 on the donor transplant list for the entire state of NY! That gives her doctors the luxury of being highly selective with regard to the liver they pick.
So, we wait.
Thank you so much for your prayers, and even now, I know everyone could use a few more! Pray that God would see fit to provide the perfect liver for this sweet little girl, however that may come about.
I was with Hallie over the Labor Day weekend and she's just as sweet as she looks in this picture! Unfortunately, she has a lot of lines running into her for medication and the inevitability of her upcoming surgery, but she remains a trooper even at her young age. Thank you for your prayers; the entire family could use them as they navigate through this difficult season. A donor could surface at any time (unfortunately through someone else's misfortune) or my sister could be the proper match, leading to a transplant surgery in the upcoming weeks.
Keep praying everyone! Hallie is stable (and still smiling) but everyone is playing the waiting game for a donor. We don't have a firm date on a surgery, but it could take place at any time if the donor is a match. Jodi is being tested all of this week to see if her liver could work, and if so, the surgery would take place in mid-September. NY has a two week waiting period for donors to change their mind, even if it involves the parents.
Thanks to everyone for your e-mails and your ongoing prayers :-)
Well, friends.. need to ask for more prayer! Hallie needs a liver transplant. Her father (Jeff) was tested and the surgery was all set for 8/21, except they've now determined the match will not work, and they've cancelled it. She's been moved to the top of the transfer list where they live in Rochester, and her mother (my sister ~ Jodi) is now being tested as well. Please offer up prayer on Hallie's behalf, as well as for Jeff, Jodi and family.
UPDATE (5/7):
She's home!!
She's on quite a few medications to ward off infection, and needs to keep weight on, but hopefully all will remain calm in this sweet little girl's road to recovery.
Once again, I thank you all for your prayers.
Blessings to you and yours..
UPDATE (5/1):
Hallie is out of the ICU and is currently in the pediatric ward. The intricate pattern of tubes and IV's are starting to fall away one by one.
Hopefully my next update will be that Hallie is at home with her family!
Biliary Atresia isn't something that can be completely healed, but the surgery she just endured will allow her to lead a mostly normal life. A liver transplant may be necessary in the years ahead.
I'm so grateful for all of you and the time you're taking to pray for this sweet little girl. Thank you!!
UPDATE (4/27):
Each day is better for Hallie! Her temperature is holding steady, kidney function is still good, and she's quietly recovering from her surgeries. She's been opening her eyes from time to time and the Dr.s hope to get her off the ventilator over the weekend.
The power of prayer is undeniable. Thank you for the part you've played (and will hopefully still play) in her ongoing recovery!
UPDATE (4/24):
Thank you SO much for your prayers and your encouraging e-mails. Currently, Hallie is stable. They've been able to get her kidney function under control and her fever has broken, which the doctors were pleased with. She's not out of the woods yet, and so much seems to change at any given moment, so I'd appreciate your ongoing prayers! ~ Jeff
Hey everyone ~
Could you lift up a prayer for my niece Hallie? She's 2 months old and was born with a condition called Biliary Atresia. She needed surgery last week to repair the bile ducts in her liver, and since that time she's needed a second surgery to repair an intestinal kink. I received a call this morning that she's not doing well at all .. kidney function is not where it needs to be.
Any prayers you can offer on Hallie's behalf, as well as my sister Jodi, brother-in-law Jeff and family would be much appreciated.
Please also pass this on to others that you know will pray. I will post updates as I get them.
Blessings, and thanks ~
Jeff, This sound pretty serious. How do they do a transplant on such a tiny liver? I am using Hallie as a desktop photo once again to remind me to pray and all my co-workers will be praying too (I like being back here working for this ministry...its pretty dang cool).
praying with and for all ....
Sending many good thoughts and prayers your way
i knew there was a reason i was compelled to check your blog this morning. i am just sorry i didn't do it a week ago. my prayers are, of course, always with you and will be increased in the coming days/weeks/months.
i pray shalom over hallie and you and the family.
blessings and peace.
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