Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chapter 17 My Head is All Scrambled

God, I have trouble focusing. My head is all scrambled.

It is because of this that I write.

Somehow, here, I am at peace. Some window is opened, and words are released.

I can concentrate.

So, I offer these words as a prayer:

Help me to be a man after your own heart.

Allow me see life through your eyes today. Please g
ive me ears to hear.

Show me where to walk. Right where you would.

Teach me the best way to comfort those who are hurting and alone. Direct my attention to the downtrodden, so that I can love them and serve them with abandon.

Remind me today (and every day) that it’s all about Jesus.

Simple as that.

Because when I get that, I relax.

I’m easier to be around, and I love better.

The trivial starts to fade away.

I worry less.

I obsess less.

I complain less.

Help me to be the Church; without judgment, criticism or hypocrisy.

Make me more forgiving.

More graceful.

A better listener.

A better friend.

Allow my rhythm to be slower; my pace, enviable.

Remind me that in your eyes, the playing field is leveled. I’m not the star. I’m only as loved as the next one.

But oh, how loved I am.



Gigi said...

very well said...what I....just very well said.....praying with you.

~pen~ said...

you forgot to add "talk a friend down off the ledge of exasperation she had perched herself so vaingloriously upon."

you forgot, and i think God honored the unspoken prayer of that.


(good stuff - - you should start a blog...)

Miss-buggy said...

sounds like a prayer I could and should say for myself too.
You are a good friend and a great person!!

Bar L. said...

that kinda unscrambled me a bit too. Thanks :)

Erin said...

Amen and amen!